Law Enforcement Training

Government online training programs for police officers and law enforcement.


The following programs provide law enforcement personnel with a thorough orientation on the most common dangers they may encounter in their duties and effective safety measures. The training covers various high-risk scenarios, emphasizing best practices and methods to mitigate risks. Incorporating real-life case studies, these programs aim to enhance officers' situational awareness and decision-making skills to ultimately keep them safe.

Number of Videos: 15
Total Duration: 4 hr 7 min 10 sec

Total $0.00
Price Per Employee: $10.25

Trainings Included

Ten Greatest Dangers For Police

This program is the summary of a nationwide study conducted with information provided by the FBI. The study analyzed the cases of every law enforcement officer killed over a ten year period.

Duration 17 min 18 sec

Officer Safety

Many officers are injured or killed each year because they deviated from basic safety tactics. Officers are asked to test themselves as they watch the program to see if they have developed bad habits or carelessness in their daily encounters with the public.

Duration 17 min 46 sec

Officer Safety Refresher

Many officers are injured or killed each year because they deviated from basic safety tactics. Officers are asked to test themselves as they watch the program to see if they have developed bad habits or carelessness in their daily encounters with the public.

Duration 16 min 21 sec

Man With A Gun Call

Using real incidents provided by the FBI that occured over a ten year period, the timeline from the arrival of the officer until the end of the call are analyzed for moments of greatest danger. Armed with this information, viewing officers are better prepared for what could happen on their next man-with-gun call.

Duration 14 min 22 sec

Robbery In Progress

This program is the result of a ten year study on how officers were killed while dealing with an robbery in progress. More officers have been killed while responding to these kinds of calls than to any others. Actual cases are dramatized to illustrate what dangers officers should be prepared for when handling such calls.

Duration 13 min 58 sec

Burglary In Progress

An analysis of incidents compiled by the FBI over a ten year period identifies the most common dangers officers may encounter on burglary-in-progress calls.

Duration 15 min 53 sec

Initial Burglary Investigations

This program helps new and veteran officers evaluate their procedures, attitudes, and standards of performance during the initial investigation of a burglary.

Duration 22 min 06 sec

Suspicious Person Calls

Approximately 40% of officers killed responding to suspicious person calls are murdered upon first contact. To keep you safe, this program shows what was learned from an analysis of every case of officers killed dealing with suspicious person over a ten year period.

Duration 16 min 49 sec

Traffic Stops

Every law enforcement officer knows he or she could die making a routine traffic stop. Through reenactments of actual incidents occuring over a ten year period nationwide, officers see the most common mistakes that have led to deaths.

Duration 12 min 12 sec

Off Duty Dangers

Many officers are killed while off duty. The result of a study of all cases over a ten year period, this program identifies when and how and why the officers died, so you can know the dangers.

Duration 16 min 15 sec

Domestic Disputes

This program is the result of a ten-year study of officer deaths on domestic dispute calls. Actual cases are dramatized to show the dangers you should be aware of when handling domestic disputes.

Duration 15 min 06 sec

Handling Of Prisoners

Every law enforcement officer knows he or she could die while handling prisoners. Why? As a result of a ten year nationwide study, many answers are now available that should influence how you handle prisoners in the future.

Duration 17 min 30 sec

Calming Angry People

The program identifies a variety of behaviors that indicate an angry individual you encounter may be close to violence and how to handle the situation.

Duration 18 min 12 sec

Drug User Recognition

This video gives peace officers the information they need to recognize and appropriately handle someone who is under the influence of heroin, cocaine, PCP, or LSD.

Duration 16 min 56 sec

Field Interviewing Techniques

Professional standards for effective interviewing of witnesses and victims are presented and explained.

Duration 16 min 26 sec
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